Modules: basically, namespaces for your functions, types, constants
module MyModule
export ω_c # Exports "myfun" when "using MyModule"; yes, you can use unicode function ω_c(m,q,B) # A simple function declaration
q*B/m # The last computation is the return value of the functionendend
In the REPL:
include("file_containing_the_code_above.jl") # Inputs its contents in the REPLusing .MyModule # The dot is because MyModule is defined in Main
ω_c(1.2,3.5,4.6) # --> 13.416666666666666
Tests: In the REPL do ] add Test and then:
using Test
@test ω_c(1,1,1) == 1
Tests can be placed in a separate file and run automatically—more on this later
Packages: go to GitHub and create an (open) repository named "MyModule.jl"
Clone it from VSCode
In the REPL do ] generate MyModule. Move the generated files to your repo and cd there
The Project.toml file is key: it tells julia this is a Package. And it contains important information about the package and its dependencies
Do ] activate . in that folder. This will make this project the active environment: any packages we add, will be declared as dependencies
Do ] add Unitful, a package to work with SI units (although we won't use it today)
Move your MyModule file to the src subdirectory
Example Project.toml
name = "MyModule"uuid = "0ee7eb5d-809b-41c1-ada9-2f03847bf980"authors = ["Mario Merino <>"]
version = "0.1.0"[deps]Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"[compat]julia = "1.3.0"
The compat block is added manually; needed if we ever want to register the package in the julia servers for others to use
Adding tests: Create a subdirectory named "test" and cd there. activate the test directory and do ] add Test. This is a separate (sub)environment
Create the file runtests.jl in the test directory:
using Test, MyModule
@test ω_c(1,1,1) == 1
You can run the tests as if they were typed in the REPL with
Or, you can run runtests.jl as any other julia program from the command line, just do (bash)$ julia runtests.jl
Installing the package in your Julia system:
Commit + push to GitHub. Delete the local directory to avoid confusion with the following
You can now install your package like any other, with
] add
You can now use/import the package in your applications: using MyModule
You can run all the tests of your Package with ] test MyModule
To continue developing, you can ask Julia to develop it:
] dev MyModule
This will clone the repo in ~/.julia/dev. Open this folder with VSCode and continue editing, adding functionality, committing & pushing
Documenting: Open your MyModule.jl file and add a docstring to your function:
module MyModule
export ω_c # Exports "myfun" when "using MyModule"; yes, you can use unicode """
Compute the gyrofrequency of a charged species
"""function ω_c(m,q,B) # A simple function declaration
q*B/m # The last computation is the return value of the functionendend
They are used in the help mode: ?ω_c
Docstrings are also used by the Documenter package
Create a subdirectory named "docs"
Generate the skeleton of the documentation (the "docs" folder is itself another Julia (sub)package):
] activate # Without arguments, this makes the "base" environment active
] add Documenter, DocumenterTools
using DocumenterTools
This will create a src folder inside "docs" and some files
Edit your docs/make.jl and docs/src/ files according to the templates provided
Run the make.jl file to build a static version of your docs
To learn how the Documenter package works, read its own manual
GitHub Actions
Actions allow automatizing repetitive tasks: running all the tests of your code on each push; run them in different machines (ubuntu, windows, mac...); generate automatic documentation; publish something to a website, etc.
In this tutorial: just a basic example using the repository from before
.github directory: special files for issue templates and Actions live here
Some quick tricks:
Press "." in any repo to edit it online with VSCode browser version
Still a preview feature: press CTRL+K to open the anything menu